Are you thinking of volunteering to help at 1st Holgate? Not sure what roles are available and which would be best for you? Here’s a whistle-stop tour explaining the types of roles available; however please note we actively encourage flexible volunteering, so if these don’t fit we’re happy to discuss how we can make volunteering work for you.
These are not the only roles available as we are always looking for Trustees (Executive Committee Members), Skills Instructors, Advisers etc. etc.
Section and Assistant Section Leaders?
Our challenging and adventurous programme is crucial to what we do, it attracts and retains more young people, and prepares them with the skills they need to succeed in life and make a positive impact on society.
Vital to the delivery of the programme are the leaders who organise the activities and provide coaching and support to young people to help them achieve their top awards. Section Leaders are supported through digital tools, programme resources and training in Leadership and practical Scouting skills.
The role of Section Leaders is vital role in developing young people and providing them with fun, adventure and skills for life.
Section Assistant?
Section Assistants are adult volunteers who assist the Section Leaders and Assistant Section Leaders in delivering the programme to young people in Scouting. They may support one section, or different sections within a Group depending on where their help is needed. They may choose to wear uniform and make the Scout Promise.
Active Support Unit Member?
Our Active Support Unit (ASU) enables those who wish to volunteer, but who can’t give a regular commitment, to do so. It is a great support to our leadership team! There’s no need to be around every week, just help as and when – this is true flexible volunteering. You can wear uniform if you want to, but you don’t have to…
ASU members help out at our events and camps; occasionally at meetings; help with fundraising; and undertake a wide range of different roles within the Group.
To find out more about the ASU
click here
Occasional Helper?
Occasional Helpers (OH) are adult volunteers who support and assist the Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants in delivering the programme to young people in Scouting. They are required to complete a Disclosure Check (DBS) but it is not a formal appointment; they generally do not help more than once a month.
If you attend a Parent and Child Camp or FamJam we have to register you as an OH.
The benefits
Section Assistants, Active Support Members and Leaders are required to be Full or Associate Members of The Scout Association and so receive a number of benefits which are not available to Occasional Helpers, including:
- Regular communications through Scouting magazine and Scouting Email Newsletters
- Personal Accident and Medical Expenses Insurance.
- Training to support them in their role
- Recognition for their service, counting towards long-service awards.