Our Active Support Unit enables those who wish to volunteer but who can’t give a regular commitment to do so. It is a great support to our leadership team!
We are actively recruiting for more volunteers and our Active Support Unit is part of this plan. We are looking for additional volunteers to join the unit and help out when they can. There’s no need to be around every week, just help as and when – this is true flexible volunteering. You can wear uniform if you want to, but you don’t have to… The sort of things the Unit helps with are:-
- Filling in at meetings;
- Helping on camps;
- Helping with catering;
- Driving the minibus;
- Helping with fundraising;
- Doing odd jobs;
- Helping with admin;
- Stewarding events;
- Helping on trips, hikes and activities;
- Pitching tents;
- Photography;
- Editing the Group newsletter;
- Contributing to our Website;
- Carrying out equipment repairs;
- Shopping…. Etc.
We’re pretty sure there’s something there for you!
If you’d like more information please complete our contact form